Traders employ different technical indicators to assess supply and demand mechanisms and understand the market psychology. Since indicators can generate reliable trading signals, they help investors to find profitable trading opportunities. However, technical...
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Doji Star
When the market appears strongly bullish, a segment of traders may anticipate a trend reversal, and choose to sell. On the other hand, some may prefer to watch the market during an indecision phase and forecast market developments based on technical analysis....
101 Trading Quotes To Aid You In Developing A Strong Mindset For Trading
"It's not always easy to do what's not popular, but that's where you make your money. Buy stocks that look bad to less careful investors and hang on until their real value is recognized" - John Neff "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who...
Supertrend Indicator – How to use in Trading?
Irrespective of the financial market you trade, it is crucial to make lucrative trading decisions. Likewise, the use of trading indicators for an intraday trader is simply unavoidable. However, it is well said that success requires more than a decent trading platform....
Long Legged Doji Candlestick
Candlestick is the frequent term you encounter while trading stocks or forex. A candlestick chart shows an underlying asset's open & close prices, the high & low for a timeframe (i.e. minute, hour, day, month). While performing technical analysis might require...
What is Dragonfly Doji and How to Trade using this Reversal Candle Pattern?
Understanding candlestick patterns is critical in technical analysis, and there are over 30 candlestick patterns. However, Doji candlestick patterns are the most common. While Doji Candlestick patterns can help traders make informed decisions, they can sometimes lead...